Schedule an Appointment
30 min
45 min
45 min
25 US dollars30 min
28.99 US dollars45 min
45 US dollars30 min
1 hr
Note Regarding Illinois FOID Card Application:
Changes to the FOID and FCCL Acts that took effect January 1, 2022, and rules adopted implementing these changes, require FOID and FCCL cardholders to submit renewal applications prior to the expiration of their card to remain valid. Additionally, while the Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation in response to the COVID 19 pandemic remains in effect, if a cardholder submits a renewal application after the expiration date of the card, their expired card will be reset to valid while the application is processed so long as the FOID Card is not subject to revocation pursuant to the provisions of Section 8 or Section 8.2 of the FOID Act or the FCCL is not subject to revocation pursuant to the provisions of Section 70 of the FCCL Act.

Register for Training Class
30 min
45 min
45 min
45 US dollars1 hr

Military / Law Enforcement
Active or Retired. Every item, Every day.
*** Available in-store only ***
ID and/or DD214 must be presented at time of pickup.